Tuesday 10 February 2009

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Meatloaf is lovely straight from the oven
(make a tomato sauce to serve with it) though it tends to crumble when
sliced. Cold leftovers are every bit as good and will slicemore
neatly. Serve with chutney and a salad or in sandwiches.
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Meatloaf is lovely straight
from the oven (make a tomato sauce to serve with it) though it tends
to crumble when sliced. Cold leftovers are every bit as good and will
slicemore neatly. Serve with chutney and a salad or in sandwiches.
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The combination of curry and almond butter in the sauce
is startling and delectable. Simple, raw Kale and Avocado Salad.
Fresh, crunchy, creamy—the perfect way to consume kale. Not bitter!
Not bitter! (recipe in a later post).
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