Sunday 8 March 2009

apple crisp topping recipe

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This dessert is a cross between a pie and a
crisp—it'sa traditional apple-cranberry pie with a crisp topping
instead of a pastry topping. Why? Because I'm bonkers about crunchy,
salty-sweet things, and this topping fits the bill.
You lose so many
nutrients and fiber when you throw away the peel, as well as some nice
color. So, you do what you prefer, but I don't include peeling the
apples in the recipe. For the crisp topping, I used to make it with
wheat flour,
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crisp dutch
Apple crisp is one of my top fall and winter dishes, but
I'm all for using a crisp topping with any kind of fruit and pears are
a close second to apples (a mix of the two is delicious, as well).
Smitten Kitchen's Pear Crisps with
This dessert is a cross between a
pie and a crisp—it'sa traditional apple-cranberry pie with a crisp
topping instead of a pastry topping. Why? Because I'm bonkers about
crunchy, salty-sweet things, and this topping fits the bill.
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oven apple crisp dutch
(I think this cereal can only be found in
Canada. Sorry.) So here's my made up recipe. I think it was quite
fantastic if I do say so myself! Crispy, a little cake-y and also
apple-y. Yummy! Red River Apple Crisp Topping

This dessert is a
cross between a pie and a crisp—it'sa traditional apple-cranberry pie
with a crisp topping instead of a pastry topping. Why? Because I'm
bonkers about crunchy, salty-sweet things, and this topping fits the
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banana bread recipe vegan brazilian barbecue recipe red snapper vera
cruz recipe apple crisp easy recipe
Voila! Apple crisp! The pastry
scraps got fluffed around with a fork and I had an apple crisp
topping. Double frugal score to boot! Here's sort of a recipe: 6
past-due apples, peeled, cored, sliced Brown sugar Butter Cinnamon

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